Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Not slept well

Yesterday I could not sleep well, the reason I don,t know. It could be worry about going towards the starting date of the treatment?. Today I am glad to discover that to many Hep. C sufferer are doing blog and reading other blogs and sharing their comments. Indeed its a great thing to get advice from each other.Ron,s and Jonathan,s blogs are full of information about Hep. c.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Treatment Date

On Monday I saw the nurse .My Pychiartrist was there aswel. They asked me how I am feeling. I told them that I feel the same but I am sleeping well and they were happy about that. They want me to carry on with the antidepressants tablets for another two weeks before starting the treatment. I asked them how long I have to take these tablets. They told me that I have to take them until the treatment finishes. On the 18th of April they are calling me to have my first injection. Obviously fears and hopes are continuing until I start the treatment.

Friday, March 18, 2005


I am still taking the antidepressants tablets. I don,t know any other effects all I know that its making me sleep well. My wife is complaining that I snore too much at night. I am waiting for the appointment with my nurse on this Monday then she will tell me when I would be starting the treatment.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Sleeping well

last night I slept well. I took an other antidepressants tablet this morning. I am trying to get ready for the treatment. Jonathan who is having treatment very successfully, I am reviewing his arrangements, e.g.vitamins, diet, herbs and massage. I read his blog every day. Personally he is a very good person to help other people. His blog is very useful for other hep. c sufferer. In reality I got lots encouragements from reading his blog. And it helped me to move forward for the treatment. God bless him. His blog address is (

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Antidepressants tablets

This is my second day that I am having antidepressants tablets. I have totake one tablet 20gm a day.last night I did not sleep well. I rang my nurse this morning about not sleeping well last night. She advised me that I should Chang the time to take the tablet. And she said you would get some of the side effects first week but second week you would get good effects. I have to take a day off from work as I do not feel well because of less sleep.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I am a hep. C patient. I am 40 year old. I was diagnose in 2000. I was not given much information. I had a liver biopsy in April 2000. The result was 2/6 . My consultant recommended for me the usual treatment. but when my nurse told me the side effects of the treatment I decided not to have the treatment. Because I had no symptoms only tiredness and very little pain in liver area. Plus I had been told that it is a very slow progressing disease, so I did not have the courage to risk my healthy 2003 I create courage and decided to go for the treatment. My consultant told me that I had to have a new liver biopsy. So in July 2004 I had a new liver biopsy with surprising result that was 5/6. That is 3 point more within 4 years time. That time I forgot to ask my consultant about this quick progress of liver damage. But I asked my nurse about that. She said it could be be the first report was wrong . But I said it could be the new one is wrong because both reports were made in the same hospital and by the same doctor. Then she said I will ask the liver specialist about that . So the liver damage progress is still a wonder for me.